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Showing posts from March, 2017

5 Essential Supplies for Hand Embroidery

When it comes to hand embroidery, I’ve noticed that stitches are really enthusiastic about their tools! Needlework tools often become the focus of the collector in many of us. We end up amassing slew of tools that make our stitching more efficient or simply more pleasurable. But sometimes, especially for beginners just getting into embroidery, the overwhelming amount of tools and accessories available can be a bit daunting. It can also be a real turn-off, because it makes embroidery seem like a hobby that’s complicated or expensive. In fact, there are very few essential hand embroidery supplies. If you strip necessities for embroidery down to the bare minimum, really, all you need is a needle. You can cut thread with your teeth, after all! For embroiderers who are just starting out or just beginning to explore embroidery a little deeper, here’s a list of five essential tools to help make your embroidery better, more efficient, or just more pleasurable.

Machine Embroidery

Several weeks ago, I promised to do a review on my personal embroidery machine. Well perhaps "review" wasn't the appropriate word to describe my intention. What I hope to do is to provide you with information that I would have liked to have had several years ago when I was first pursuing a machine for myself. I knew absolutely NOTHING about embroidery machines, so when doing the research, I didn't even understand the terminology to know what to look for. Since then, I've learned quite a bit about these things, but I am certainly not an expert. I'll start by saying that I ended up with a Singer Futura. And this is what it looks like. It's pretty light, considered portable, and converts between an embroidery machine and a standard sewing machine by switching out the arm. The embroidery stitching happens just like a sewing machine -- the needle moves up and down, sometimes very fast. The design is produced by moving the hoop. So while the needle is stitchi

How to embroidery

Step 1: What You'll Need to Start Embroidering To start embroidering, you'll need the following items: embroidery hoop - this is a ring consisting of two parts. You put the fabric in between the hoops - this helps keep it taut, making the embroidering easier. These come in plastic and wood - I prefer plastic for doing the embroidering and wood for displaying the embroideries. s mall, sharp scissors. You can find these under many names - though a google search for "embroidery scissors" will get you what you need. :D your fabric of choice! Linen, quilting cotton, canvas and osnaburg are all great choices! It should not be too loosely woven or too tight. embroidery floss. This is cheap and comes in TONS of colors. I prefer DMC floss and use it exclusively. embroidery needles. These have bigger eyes than normal needles to accommodate the size of the floss. a water soluble marker or other marking tool . This way you can draw designs onto your fa

Embah Hampsaton collection!

In Malay calling it as "sep-prah"if I'm not mistaken hahahah. This pieces we are going to use if we having a "kenduri". So here! Some example from "Bah" that she using it when it's come some ceremony at home like family visiting and this pieces we are going to use it as a protection from food or beverages spill it out on the floor and for making this pieces more creative an beautiful we can do some embroidery on it special and I'm sure people can amazeeeeeeeeeeeee to see how detail "Bah" work. This is machine and manually embroidery made by Embah Hampsaton. The stem is computerized and the flower part is by hand which is calling by "sulaman riben" Everything that we are planning to do must have a lead that we can follow for example books and sifu's! This were fully hand embroidered by Embah Hampsaton's! This picture below is one of my favorite because of it's detailed and very cut

I've Found Embah Hampsaton Research begin :)

So this my "Bah Hampsaton" whose willing to helping me for my research task and here she showing of some of her work :) Saturday evening 25th March, I'm going to Ipoh to meet "Bah. She's a 68 years old dedicated and inspirational women who's still active in doing some craft that i would like to learn. "Bah" live at Kampong Manjoi in Ipoh which is the largest malay village in Ipoh. As we all know Ipoh's actually is the capital city of the state of Perak, Malaysia and "Lonely Planet", after the city was listed one of the best Asian destinations visit in 2016. So that we can found a lot of inspirational and classical work or craft here. That's why i've decided to do my research here. Thank god, I've got some contact that tell me about "Bah" whose still do an embroidery even it on (machine or manually). Seriously, I'm feel so relief when  I've found Bah. For a many weeks I'm feel so stressful

So here i do about Embroidery

  Hi loggers! Every embroidery techniques have their own personality. For what i've found a for my embroidery research is more classical 60's embroidery were made by Embah Hampsaton who is still have a patience doing this handicraft on the table cloth. Table cloth or malay people called it as "sepprah". "Sepprah" is using as a covered the floor or as table cloth to be more neat and creative and manners when we put variety food onto it. It's so classical pattern as u can see here made by "Bah" so i think, I'm gonna innovate the motif to be an modern pattern hmmmmm there's a lot of step that I'm gonna learn here and I'm really sure that my "Bah" gonna help me to this.


Almost 2 weeks i'm searching for what i gonna for my research task. I'm sorry if it's takes a time for me for keep updating my blog because i got a lot work to do beside this and I'm still finding for what i going to do my task 🤔 Stay tuned guys! 🙏🏻

Get some Inspiration at Central Market, Kuala Lumpur .

Arriving at Central Market It's was a bloomy day outside but nothing can stop our research mission for finding inspiration of innovative textile and people that we can commercial it to the textile world. I'm so amazeeeee when we are here gosh! Pasar Seni is a place where, we can see and learning about Asian countries. Here we can learn  a lil bit of Asian traditional art and crafts they got a lot of painting,clothing and everything. Pasar Seni is at the main of Kuala Lumpur and our trademarks for a tourism coming to Malaysia. I'm sure it's can  pop out our eyes! Wanna know what i'm gonna do for my product? Stay tuned guys 🙏🏻

Newcomers in Blogger World

Hello logger's! I'm Salina , 22 ye ars old and Bachelor of Text ile D esign  (Hons) at UI TM Shah Alam . Another 1&half year to go I'm gonna finished my degree here and hope everything going smooth. This new challenging opp o rt unity i will take and use it as good as i can . So, the truth is , before this I never do a blog for a rest of m y life so I'm still new learning here and need u guys to help me to improved my skill, i 'll try. T his blog s is for my research textile studies w hich is the name of t his course is "T extile A ppren ticeship" (TX D569). Ok ay, i need u guys to help me fo  visit my feed here to know what is my coming produ c ts i will do for this su b. Please co m ment and visits with my blog because my marks will be given from u guys . May god ble ss your kindness and tq for supporting!